These are some of the works I'm most proud of. Reach out to me for some more details.
ERC - HAMMER Digital Twin Development
Creating a digital twin backend Fall 2023 - Fall 2024
In this project, I led a team of around 3-5 students to create an extremely complex AI-powered digital twin for English Wheel Forming.
To summarize:
Tech stack: Docker, Github actions, Go, Html + CSS, Python, Unity3d
Complex Objective: Create a bi-directional low-latency real time communication backend that is able to support multiple concurrent users, disparate file formats with secure data transfer.
Status: Successful, with a scientific elsevier paper awaiting publication (as of 12/27/2024)
Key takeaways: I now understand what it takes to create robust full-stack applications. Performance matters.
Goober's strange escape - a video game (and my senior project)
Creating high-quality real-time enemy AI Fall 2023-Spring 2024.
Tech stack: C#, Google Cloud, Unity3D.
This game is a first person co-operative wave shooter about playing a group of test subjects who are fighting against a bunch of monsters.
My responsibility: Implementing Goal-Oriented-Action-Planning into a real-time networked video game.
This was difficult. The AI worked by analyzing the state of the world, and then making plans to maximize damage dealt to the player.
(Simplified) Enemy rifler control flow:
- Enemy patrols a zone, uses a collision detection algorithm and randomized directional movement algorithm to find an area that's open.
- After a few cycles of this, the enemy will randomly decide to: Get a better gun, use their ears to hunt down the player, or group up with its allies.
- Once a player is spotted, the enemy will move quickly alongside a circumference around the player.
- The enemy will strafe and shoot until the player dies.
- If they run out of ammo, they will either try and melee the player or run for more ammo (depending on health amounts, and a random value)
- If they get hurt, they get a teleportation ability and run away to get health.
Key takeaways: How real-time, multithreaded game AI works. How to work as a democratic team.
Play it here!
Energy usage simulation - Revit & Unity3d
Modelling energy usage Summer 2022
My team of three used historical and synthetic datasets on a CAD (Revit) model to simulate energy usage/generation for a modern eco-friendly home. We then took all of this data and placed it into Unity3d, where all it was visualized in a real-time and interactive environment.
To summarize:
Tech stack: Revit, Python, Matlab, Kaggle datasets (energy usage & generation), Unity3d
Status: Successful, with plans to expand with further
Key takeaways: This was my first time working with synthetic datasets, and I understand how/why they are so commonly used. This is also where I first understood the value of putting things in interactive 3d environments.
Watch it here! (Google Drive Link)