This page is for engineering projects that don't fit neatly into my other categories. It also covers my education at North Carolina A&T State University.
Computer Science Senior project
Goober's strange escape - a unique multiplayer FPS game.
- Created in Unity 3d and C#.
- It's an arena-based first person shooter with multiplayer and GOAP enemy AI.
- Even though I used an asset for the GOAP boilerplate code, I had to do a lot of work with customizing the AI.
- Over 1000 lines of code written over 7 months to develop 6 distinct enemy AI types.
- Worked in a team of 4 as the AI lead, and spent a lot of time in contact with every other programmer on the project to solve bugs & issues.
- Did analyses of research papers and the state-of-the-art to develop upon past works.
- Each individual AI gets a list of goals, actions, and ways of sensing the world. The AI then senses the world, and comes up with a set of actions to accomplish a goal.
- Lots of time was spent making sure the multithreaded code works in nondeterministic network settings.
Play it here!
(1st place) Rockwell Automation Hackathon Development
Creation of an interactive VR/Immersive factory tour.
- Focused on a core problem Rockwell was facing.
- There was a lot of problems with students who went on tours retaining knowledge, as well as problems with students being unengaged with the speakers.
- Using Unity Engine and C#, my team of 3 developed a virtual tour that taught students how robots were used, as well as why they were important.
- Used machine learning, programmed robot animation and publicly available 3d models for an immersive first-person tour.
- Users could use VR headsets, or they could use regular FPS movement controls.
Honeywell Hackathon development
Creation of an interactive gamified learning platform (2nd Place)
- Used Godot game engine and a nodejs backend database system to create an interactive learning platform.
- Participated as a team of 2, where the other member wasn't familiar with Godot at all.
- Created multiple minigames that feature learning capability, including asteroids, flashcards and a breakout clone.
- (Web Development) Comp 320 - Used html & Javascript to create front & backends
- (Operating Systems) Comp 350 - Used C to create multithreaded programs
- (Senior project & Software Engineering) Comp 410 & Comp 496/495 - Worked 4+ person groups, using version control software (Git) to develop applications according to specifications.
- (Theory of computation & Discreet math) Comp 180 & 385 - Learned the mathematics and theory behind computer science, as well as the history of my field.
- (Analysis of algorithms & Data structures) Comp 280&285 - Used C to create fast and accurate programs with advanced techniques.
- (Ethics and social implications of computing, general philosophy) Phil 250 & Comp 390 - Learned ethics, and how to deal with real-world problems that can't be easily solved.